Hang on to your hats, this could be an amazing week for you, especially if you happen to be Aquarius or have Aquarius Rising (see www.moonmessages.com/freechart to find out).

There is an eclipse this week, in the sign of Aquarius. We actually all have Aquarius in our charts somewhere – that’s just how astrology works. It will rule one part of your life or another. For example it might be your Love Zone, your Work Zone or your Money Zone (read your weekly stars to find that out and read your Rising Sign if you know it, for an even more accurate reading).

This Full Moon eclipse this week heralds the start of the second and final eclipse season of 2017. As you may remember, 2017 actually has only four eclipses – we get the Full Moon (aka Lunar) eclipse this week and then the New Moon (aka Solar) eclipse in two weeks’ time. Then that’s it.

Eclipses are always times of change and very useful to anyone seeking changes. Think of this week as a time and chance to turn a corner, to let something go, perhaps to be able to finish something off thanks to your hard work.

Lunar eclipses do also represent a sort of tug-of-war across two parts of your life. So if you’re feeling stretched, then that’s why. Again, more about that in your horoscope, where relevant.

Keep the idea of “balance” front of mind this week and you shouldn’t go too far wrong. Take action where you can see your life is somehow not in balance, eg if you’re working too hard or, perhaps, not hard enough to achieve your financial goals.

This is also the week to work extra hard on forgiving anyone who has hurt you in the past. The more you can forgive and move on, the freer you will be to send out clear wishes to the Universe at the time of the New Moon eclipse in two weeks.

The Full Moon eclipse takes place at 4.10am on Tuesday.

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