MOON INTO ARIES: Today the Moon moves back into the first sign of the zodiac, aka Aries. In some ways, then, it’s the start of a new cycle.

So take a moment now to think about what you really want. If you have a New Moon wishes list from last  month, go over it and see where you are with your goals.

As well as the Aries Moon, we also have a lingering Mercury/Pluto energy. Mercury is the planet of communications and the mind.

Pluto is the planet that can overturn things. Put them together as they have been just now and you get amazing vibes to let go of old thought patterns and to get clear about your intentions.

Doing that is the first step to making your dreams come true. So do it today. Turn your goals into affirmations.

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Today’s Planets: Moon into Aries

Cosmic Extras for the Aries Moon ?

Essential Oil to use today: Angelica

Daily Moon Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently.

Daily Moon Chakra: The solar plexus chakra, aka Manipura.

Daily Moon Archangel: Archangel Ariel

Daily Guiding Goddess: Athena, the Warrior Goddess and Protector

Daily Moon Heavenly Ray: Today’s ray – the 1st Ray – is red.

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