Art: The Goddess of Mallorca by

If you’re reading this, then straight away, a big thank you. It’s been a wild few days leading up to the New Moon and the launch of my book Moonology (I might have mentioned I have a new book out… once or twice!)

About a month or two ago, I went to Mallorca with Hay House and 3 other authors, 3 journalists and 2 Hay House folk. It was a wonderful weekend which really reconnected me to the Goddess energy which flows through me so strongly.

As as aside, a great big bit of my family is from Malta which is the home of the Goddess. Yes, that’s what I call it anyway. And the Goddess energy was so strong in Mallorca that weekend.

Rebecca Campbell_Sophia_Spring_05Of the 3 authors, one was Rebecca Campbell, author of Light Is The New Black, who happens to be a fellow Aussie though that is very much by the by. We 3 authors all did a talk while we were there and Rebecca’s actually made me cry.

She talked about how when she was launching her book, she went into yang mode. In other words, out of yin and into yang. In other words, from her feminine to her masculine.

I was so moved by this. I realised I had been so much in my masculine for not weeks or months but years! When my husband and I had our son – now aged 9 – we agreed, since I love my job, I would keep writing and he would be the full-time Dad and business dude.

So the lions’ or lioness’ share of the revenue raising was up to me. I flourished with my husband’s love and in doing it for my son. But it’s a yang enterprise!

A tear rolled down my cheek as I listened to Rebecca… (She later told me she’d noticed.)

As a result of this moment, in the lead up to this launch, I have done everything I could to stay in my feminine and I think I have done a reasonable job.

One of the main things I did was to gratefully receive my husband Olivier’s loving offering of taking amazingly good care of me. He let me sleep in when I needed it and generally took care of everything – including, most importantly our son. He also did all the cyber work for the launch, coding things, as well as taking care of the business side of things. (In the 9 years since our son’s birth, my husband has retrained as a coder and still has a mind like a steel trap for figures…)

So all I had to worry about was the publishing of my book and my other work, as well as my own self-care (which I always feels needs to be a hashtag #selfcare).

Given the space by hubby, there were lots of baths in salts and oils and walks in nature. I also did a fair bit of yoga and chanting. These are two techniques which really helped me to stay connected to my Goddess. I work with various Goddesses, especially Narayani (Saraswati, Durge and Lakshmi), Kuan Yin, Hathor and Isis. You?

How are YOU doing with your yin/feminine side? It’s so easy to go yang/masculine when we’re trying to get things done. But we need a balance.

Yasmin x

PS The post is called #gratitude because I am grateful – to be allowed to write my new book, to my husband Olivier for so lovingly supporting me, to Rebecca for her wisdom and to you for reading xox

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