The more attention I have paid to the Moon cycles over the years, the more I realise that the time just before the New Moon (ie now) can be every bit as intense as the time before the Full Moon (two weeks later).

In fact, right now I am feeling officially discombobulated, just as the Moon moves into its deepest and darkest part of the waning cycle.

The Moon is turning from a half-Moon to a sliver before disappearing altogether in synch with the New Moon on the weekend.

One reason why people do often feel a tad lost at this time of the month is that the cycle is all about letting go and even about loss.

Adjustments need to be made. We need to work out what is going to fly and what isn’t and we need to release that which won’t. Get it?

For most of us, that is tough. As I write this, I can’t help but think of my very pragmatic Aquarian and Capricorn friends (both ruled by Saturn, ultimately) who are not like me.

When something is done or over or not working, they move on. But me? I cling and emote and I think a lot of other people do too.

Aries – moves on, but feels it.
Taurus – finds it hard to move on.
Gemini – moves on, but overthinks it.
Cancer – clings like a limpet.
Leo – moves on, feels it, tries not to show it.
Virgo – moves on and over-analyses.
Libra – moves on, tries to be ok with it, worries.
Scorpio – doesn’t move on. Maybe ever.
Sagittarius – moves on, but feels it, philosophises about it.
Capricorn – moves on, and is very realistic.
Aquarius – moves on and is very pragmatic.
Pisces – moves on, goes back, moves on, goes back again.

Of course these are slightly jokey nutshells but you get the idea.

If you want to know more about it, you might like to look at your MERCURY as well as your SUN since MERCURY is how your think.

(Find out your Mercury and other planets for free here).

Anyway, just a few days to the New Moon. May the good lunar vibes be with you.

And lest anyone thing anything really worth complaining about is going on for me, it’s all good. Just first world issues. I should know that I am too blessed to feel stressed!

And I know it’s all a part of the Moon cycle and the process. Understanding the astrology helps me!

I hope this helps you too!

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