QUARTER MOON IN LEO: First Quarter phase keywords: challenges, confidence, commit ment. This is when the Moon looks like a ‘Half Moon’ on the way from New to Full. At this point in the cycle, you may really start to have a few doubts about your ability to manifest your dreams. Perhaps your resolve and/or commitment are being tested? If you know in your heart that you’re no longer so wild about or committed to your old wishes, do yourself a favour and let go of them .

The ego might cling but you can let it go. If you’re still feeling hyped about whatever you’re working on, this is the time to double-commit to your dreams.

Sometimes we need a hiccup to remind us that we’re serious about something . This is a really important time to go back and read the wish lists you made at the time of the New Moon. Re-feel them. Re-visualize them. Re-imagine them.

It’s also a time when there could be some kind of crisis or issue which comes up for you – all the better for you to work a little harder on your dreams! The astrological reason for what is going on at this time is that the Moon is now just far enough away to clash with the Sun, making a hard angle. The angle, called a square, is known for creating an itch that needs to be scratched! In other words, issues which come up now call for some kind of action to be taken.

Today’s message is from my new book Moonology – please check it out here.

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Today’s Planets: Quarter Moon in Leo
Today’s Moon Angel: Archangel Raziel

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