June brings the New Moon in the sign of Cancer.

New Moon at 3 Cancer
SYDNEY: June 24, 12.30pm
NEW YORK: June 23, 10.30pm
LONDON: June 24, 3.30am3

In another location? Click here for your time zone.

This could be a wonderful New Moon, not least because as it takes place just before a super auspicious Venus/Pluto connection.

This augurs well for love and money. If you have ever thought about making some New Moon wishes and there’s something you want that’s connected to romance and/or riches, do a little ritual (idea below) on the day.

A 3-step New Moon ritual

1. CREATE A SACRED SPACE Burn some incense, a smudge stick or some Palo Alto wood to clear your space if you’re indoors. Put on some uplifting music (I love Edo and Jo, Deva Premal and Shaman’s Dream.)

2. GRATITUDE LIST The way to manifest is to be get yourself into a state of gratitude. Once you’re there, you can start to create your new world. Write down your top 10 wishes and visualise them all – feeling the feeling of the wish fulfilled, to quote Wayne Dyer.

3. RELAX Go for a walk. Meditate. Trust that all will unfold for your highest good.


Family time – make sure you’re spending time with the people who mean the most to you, family or friends who feel like family.

Insecurity – Cancerian energy can be insecure so if you want to live consciously, this is the time to check in with yourself and see if you need to nurture your self-belief.

Nurture yourself and others
– the Cancerian energy is all about being cosy and looking after yourself and others, be it with food or by taking a lovely bath, for example.

Review your goals – we are now half-through 2017. How are you doing with the goals you set for yourself at the start of the year?

Bathe – ah that Cancerian word again! If you can’t swim in the ocean, a river, creek or pool, do honour the Cancerian energy with a soak in the tub or a hop in the spa or similar. See what ideas come to you as you relax.


Want to connect with the New Moon? Here are 5 more ways.

1. Find me on Facebook – I’ll be doing a free Facebook Live New Moon session

2. Get your FREE New Moon Wishing Guide here

3. Buy your all-encompassing New Moon Info Sheets here for info about the New Moon itself, as per above, but also about where the New Moon is affecting you on your horoscope or your personal chart.

4. Grab my book MOONOLOGY on Kindle for instant download

5. Chant the Sanskrit “Om Namo Narayani” which means “I surrender to the Divine Mother”. As for the best to come your way in the coming four weeks.

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