BALSAMIC MOON IN VIRGO: Yesterday I mentioned that Pluto was changing directions. This means that wherever Pluto is in your chart, you’re about to burn things off, get rid of the dead wood and potentially revolutionise things.

Here’s a quick rundown of where Pluto is for you by star sign (if you know your Rising Sign, read that for even more applicable info and if you don’t know your Rising Sign but would like to, please click here)

Wherever Pluto is is where profound change is possible

Aries – at work

Taurus – to do with something or someone overseas

Gemini – something to do with sex and/or money (good time to wipe out your debts)

Cancer – your love life and to do with your exes, too

Leo – in your daily life (also an awesome time to detox)

Virgo – when it comes to romance, creating and kids (your own or someone else’s)

Libra – at home

Scorpio – when it comes to creating your reality with your thoughts (woah!)

Sagittarius – re cash, property and possesions

Capricorn – your whole life!

Aquarius – in your spiritual life and the deepest and most delicate part of you

Pisces – when it comes to your friends

PS The New Moon is also on its way this week coming. Are you ready to make your wishes and set your intentions? It’s the way to get yourself aligned with your dreams and make them come true. To get a free New Moon Wishing Guide just click here

Virgo Cosmic Extras

>>> What are Cosmic Extras?

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am more and more organized every day.’

2. ‘I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.’

3. ‘My wellbeing is my priority – I am getting back on track.’

Essential Oil to use: Tea Tree

Mantra: Hum. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Throat chakra, aka Vishudha

Angel: Metatron, the energy clearer

Goddess: Ceres, fertility Goddess

Heavenly Ray: The 6th ray, which is indigo

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology – link now working!

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