BALSAMIC MOON IN VIRGO:So where do we stand, do you think? Back in 1999, I was watching the major eclipse we had then and everyone kept saying it symbolised the rise of the Divine Feminine, or rather the re-emergence of it. The same was said of Harmonic Concordance a few years later. Then we had the occultations of the Sun by Venus in 2004 and 2012.

We are oh-so close to the New Moon in Libra which is one of the strong Goddess signs, because Venus rules Libra and Venus is one of the most feminine planets along with the Moon (which isn’t really a planet anyway).

Today, think about how you are in your femininity. When the New Moon comes, what part of your femininity could you work on, whether you’re a man or a woman. If you’re the mother of young kids, how can you help them to bring out their feminine side in a world where the masculine side is usually far more worshipped?

PS The New Moon is on its way. Are you ready to make your wishes and set your intentions? It’s the way to get yourself aligned with your dreams and make them come true. To get a free New Moon Wishing Guide just click here

Virgo Cosmic Extras

>>> What are Cosmic Extras?

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am more and more organized every day.’

2. ‘I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.’

3. ‘My wellbeing is my priority – I am getting back on track.’

Essential Oil to use: Tea Tree

Mantra: Hum. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Throat chakra, aka Vishudha

Angel: Metatron, the energy clearer

Goddess: Ceres, fertility Goddess

Heavenly Ray: The 6th ray, which is indigo

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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