Monday March 20 2017

Who are you allowing into your heart?

Third Quarter Moon into Capricorn: VENUS RETROGRADE WEEK: This week we’re talking about love and romance. They don’t just happen. If you keep choosing the wrong people to get involved with, for example, you’re highly unlikely to end up in love. You’re more likely to end up in something of an obsessive and even abusive relationship, for example.

Love relationships are heartfelt. They know no colour or even looks. They just are. If you want to manifest a love relationship, express love. Express love to yourself and to the people you love.

You can expressing love to yourself by taking the time you need to yourself, or eating well, or doing yoga, for example.

If your love life doesn’t feel all that great right now and you want improvements, there are three things to do before anything else:

1. Release the past – forgive and move on. Even if what happened still hurts, holding onto it will just keep you stuck in the past.

2. Dance with what is – accept responsibility for your part in where you are now and start to think about how to make the best of it.

3. Consciously create your future – you can do this with a mixture of belief and action, rituals and self-improvement exercises.

Here is the news, if you didn’t get the Venus retrograde memo yet (I have been banging on about it but also living it!)

How to know if you’re feeling Venus retrograde: If you’re thinking back to past lovers and friends, you’re feeling Venus retrograde. If you wondering who you are as a friend, or who people are to you, and thinking about who you love or you don’t love or you used to love, you’re feeling it. If you wondering if you do or don’t want to send someone a Facebook friend request or follow them on Instagram or whatever the latest social media thing may be… if you’re harking back to sweet memories of the old days with a pal, or thinking about your childhood friends or reconnecting with them or going to a reunion… if you’re doing any of these things, you’re feeling Venus retrograde.

A short while ago, I mentioned that I was inspired to create my Get Back To Love Course on Udemy but I also promised people that I would give them a free component, for those without the means to buy the paid course and also as a taster.

The free component is now online as a free 5-part video series about love in a time of Venus retrograde.

If you want to know more, I invite you to join the hundreds of people who have already signed up for free for my 5- part video course (to be sent to you via email) here.

Discover when you are most likely to find love, if a relationship will stand the test of time or an existing relationship can deepen, be strengthened or revived. Just click here.

Our Mini Soul Mates report identifies the positive qualities you share, so you can achieve more happiness together. Grab it for free here.

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