MOON IN ARIES: There are no major planetary links today so I am going to draw a card with the intention that everyone who reads this needs the message that comes up. So close your eyes and ask yourself a question that you would like answer to.

And the answer to the question we asked is the card … SUPPORT. In other words, whatever you are trying to achieve now, make sure the people in your life are giving you the support you need. If they are not, then now is the time to ask them.

Gently let them know you need them and they will be far more likely to be there for you (unless you’re moving house, in which case all bets for helpful friends gathering around you are off as it’s such a duff job!)

Today’s Planets: Moon in Aries

Aries Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘Today is the first day of the rest of my life!’

2. ‘I take pride in my appearance.’

3. ‘I am brave!’

Essential Oil to use: Angelica

Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Solar Plexus, aka Manipura

Angel: Ariel, archangel of divine magic

Goddess: Athena, the warrior goddess and protector

Cosmic Ray: The 1st Ray which is red

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