September brings a Full Moon eclipse in Pisces

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees in Pisces
SYDNEY: September 17, 5.05am
LONDON: September 16, 8.05pm
MONTREAL/NEW YORK: September 16, 3.05pm
AUCKLAND: September 17, 7.05am
PARIS: September 16, 9.05am

This Full Moon is especially good for Taureans, Cancerians, Virgos, Scorpios, Capricorns and Pisceans, but it’s more challenging for everyone else.

◗ The energy is… Nostalgic, and a little bit yearning.

◗ Top 5 questions to ask yourself under this Full Moon…

1. Have I been dreamy to the point of not getting enough done and making silly errors?

2. Have I been overly sensitive and too easily hurt?

3. Have I been acting like a martyr? Or too easily led?

4. Have I been meditating every day, and if not, why not?

5. Have I been in touch my intuitive side? Following my dreams and hunches?

Message of the Full Moon: This is a super mystical Moon – connect with your inner psychic.

Find a balance between… Your need for inner peace versus all your duties.

Forgive Perform the ‘Full Moon forgiveness ceremony’ on page 143 of Moonology. Write your forgiveness list and then burn it.

Be grateful Perform the ‘Entering a state of gratitude ceremony’ on page 144. Write your gratitude list and then burn it.

Download your FREE Full Moon Forgiveness + Gratitude Kit here or grab my new book Moonology if you want to work with the Moon all year long!

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