I recently aimed to do the Shedding The Weight free course from Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey however I was travelling and didn’t manage it.

What I have done here is combined all the emails they sent me. I’m going to go through them one by one… Join me!

You can also buy their meditations here.

Om Laghu Bhavam – Day 1

Laghu means “lightness,” or “having the quality of space.” Bhavam is our state of consciousness. This mantra affirms that, “My essential nature is lightness itself,” helping to align our outer world with our inner truth.

Day 1 – Finding the Lightness in Your Life – A Personal Journey

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Shedding the Weight: Mind, Body and Spirit. We are delighted you are joining us on this adventure to transform all of our heaviness and burdens in life to lightness and fulfillment. Together we will understand that “shedding the weight” is not only an issue for our bodies, but that we are also weighed down with emotional, mental, and spiritual burdens.

Today we discover that we don’t have to struggle to shed our burdens – all we need to do is expand our awareness. In that awareness we find the inner fulfillment that is our true self. This state of expanded awareness is the lightness in your life, and allows you to effortlessly let go of heaviness that doesn’t serve you.

As we continue this Meditation Experience over the next few weeks, we will explore all the ways to shed our weight, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional.

Our centering thought for today is:

My struggle has ended. I am in harmony with myself.
“Lightness and weightiness… are both choices in life.” — Erik Pevernagie

Om Svayam Agurutva – Day 2

This mantra invokes the lightness that is our true self. It brings the experience and feeling of lightness into the present moment.

Day 2 – Transforming Heavy to Light

In today’s meditation, we explore how to transform the heaviness in our lives to our natural state of lightness. The heaviness of our burdens comes from our attachment to past pain and trauma, as well as anxiety and fear of the future. As we learn to live consciously in the present moment, we find we don’t have to do anything to let go of burdens of pain and fear – they let go of us. Our natural state of balance in life is lightness and ease.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am endlessly renewed in the present moment.
“When you allow your ways to be light you go high.” — Raphael Zernoff

Om Shanti Om – Day 3

This mantra settles the emotional body and soothes the heart. Shanti means “peace,” and it has the effect of calming, integrating, and harmonizing all the agitation and conflicts in your mind, body, and emotions.

Day 3 – Begin with Emotional Balance

In today’s meditation, we learn that we can restore emotional balance and equanimity by returning our attention to the still awareness in the background of our minds. When we act from a feeling of lack, we remain out of balance and stuck in our old unfulfilling habits. But emotions are meant to flow freely, to rise and fall without being held. In meditation, we reach the calm, centered place inside that doesn’t hold on or get stuck to toxic habits and old memories, so shedding emotional baggage happens naturally.

Our centering thought for today is:

As my emotions flow freely, my life is lightened.
“Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.”
— Thomas Merton

Ananda Hum – Day 4

This mantra awakens the state of fulfillment that is your true self. Ananda is the inherent contentment, joy, and fulfillment of existence.

Day 4 – Fulfillment Holds the Key

Everyone can feel the difference between emptiness and fullness, and it is this experience that allows us to feel our way to better lifestyle choices. Today we learn that there are many kinds of hunger, but only one state of fulfillment. When you give yourself what you really want and need, unhealthy habits, such as overeating, cease to be a problem.
Instead of fighting against a habit that always fights back, ask yourself, “What am I hungry for right now?” then seek to satisfy that hunger directly.

Our centering thought for today is:
In fulfillment, I lack for nothing.
“We wander for distraction, but we travel for fulfillment.” — Hilaire Belloc

So Hum – Day 5

This mantra is the simple affirmation “I am.” It identifies individual awareness with universal existence.

Day 5 – Getting Out of the Hunger Dilemma

When any hunger or need doesn’t get satisfied, our bodies keep asking for more. Today’s meditation explains this dilemma: The hungrier you are, the hungrier you stay, no matter how much food you eat.

Mentally, we are hungry for nourishing experiences. If you are emotionally nourished, the physical cravings stop. However, you can’t change what you aren’t aware of. This means that you must connect your hunger to a real need that can actually be satisfied. That is how we end the hunger dilemma.

When you apply self-care to your real needs, life becomes much lighter.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am the source of my own inner healing.
“When you are in a fix, often the fix is in you.” — Ashok Kallarakkal

Om Sva Bhaksha – Day 6

This mantra means, “I draw nourishment from my consciousness, my true self.” It affirms that our pure awareness is a limitless reservoir of energy, knowledge, and creativity.

Day 6 – The Key to Positive Input

We learn in today’s meditation that every experience influences our life. We metabolize everything we encounter – physically and emotionally – so each experience becomes a part of our minds and bodies.

Negative experiences are metabolized differently than positive experiences. If you overload the system with negative input, it goes out of balance.

If you substitute positive inputs instead, these also get metabolized into your overall wellbeing, energy level, and health. The best inputs are any experiences that make you feel lighter physically and emotionally, from the freshest organic foods to laughter to the beauty of Nature.

Positive input strengthens you on every level, making it much easier to rid your system of toxins.

Our centering thought for today is:

Positive input nourishes me at every level.
“Making each moment count positively is all that life demands from you.” — Edmond Mbiaka

Om Supra Niti Swaha – Day 7

This mantra means, “The light of my own Being guides my life forward. I do not need to look outside my true self for a guiding light.”

Day 7 – Total Balance Is Natural Balance

In these first few days together, we have realized we lighten our burdens by coming into balance.

But even if we understand that balance is desirable, it will elude us if we approach balance with different parts of our life separately.

Because all the pieces are interconnected, it’s better to “shed the weight” by looking at the whole mind-body system. Our aim is total balance. You can’t achieve this by struggle, effort, discipline, worry, or fighting with yourself. Total balance is achievable by going to a place of total balance – your true self. In meditation, you find your true self, and as you continue the practice, you identify with it more and more.

In time, you discover that you were whole all along.

Our centering thought for today is:

My true self leads me to an inspired life.
“The road to health for everyone is through moderation, harmony, and a sound mind in a sound body.” — Jostein Gaarder

Siddho Hum – Day 8

This mantra awakens the healing power that liberates us and brings us to our natural state of perfection.Siddha means “perfection,” or “essential quality.” Hum affirms that this is your identity, your true self. This mantra lets you know that you are complete and perfect just as you are, which is what gives you your value and necessary place in the universe.

Day 8 – Making Lightness the New You
The burdens we carry around with us have become part of our attitudes, habits, beliefs, and behaviors, but they are not permanent. Habits are the outcome of old decisions and they can be changed only through new decisions and choices.

In today’s meditation, we discover that the most important decision we can make is to embrace the possibility of our true self. When we let higher intelligence do the work, getting rid of burdens isn’t a burden.

Our centering thought for today is:

I find joy in my healing and recovery.
“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.” ― Deborah Day

Om Ram Ramaya – Day 9

This mantra activates balance, strength, and healing in the mind and body. The sound Ram brings powerful balancing and healing qualities directly into your physical body, mind, and emotions.

Day 9 – Put Your Beliefs into Practice

In today’s meditation, we discover that when you activate a positive belief, your cells get the message. By intending to heal, you do heal.

We proceed with small steps by taking a few moments every day to be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, repeat your belief in healing, and enjoy your recovery.

Our centering thought for today is:

I activate my vision of healing every day.
“What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.” ― Haruki Murakami

Om Shanti Om – Day 10

This mantra settles the emotional body and soothes the heart. Shanti means “peace,” and it has the effect of calming, integrating, and harmonizing all the agitation and conflicts in your mind, body, and emotions.

Day 10 – All Fulfillment Comes from Peace

We all know the peaceful, settled contentment that comes from being fulfilled. Today we learn that peace comes first. It isn’t the result of fulfillment, it’s the source of fulfillment.

In meditation we discover that peace is our true self. In that state of peace, there are no cravings and no lack. Needs are life-affirming and arise not out of lack, but out of abundance.

In reality, our true self is simple contentment.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am living the way of peace.
“Each one has to find his peace from within.” ― Mahatma Gandhi

Aroot Perum Jothi – Day 11

This mantra invokes the divine light to fill your life. This light heals and transforms all fear, pain, and sorrow.

Day 11 – Healing Your Hidden Issues

In today’s meditation, we become more aware of what’s really happening inside, including our old issues from the past.

It can feel scary to acknowledge these feelings, but this can be done with knowledge and patience where these issues dissolve in the light of awareness. Today we explore our true self as luminous awareness.

Our centering thought for today is:

I let negativity and darkness dissolve in my light.
“The light within us can always identify our mind’s darkness.” ― Munia Khan

Har Haray Haree – Day 12

This mantra heals us by activating our light of vitality within. This sequence of sounds generates flowing waves of consciousness that balance and restore all aspects of our health. As you repeat the mantra, see your body radiating the light of vitality. This movement of conscious energy purifies, rejuvenates, and enlivens your entire Being.

Day 12 – You Are the Healer and the Healed

In today’s meditation, we learn that recovery is a healing process. As we enter into the process, we act as both the healer and the healed simultaneously. Your mind and body want to be restored to a state of dynamic balance. So if you begin any kind of healing, the inherent intelligence of the mind-body system immediately responds. Thus you heal and become a stronger healer at the same time. Knowing that you are the healer gives a sense of power and fearlessness.

When fully embraced, healing is a joyful process.

Our centering thought for today is:

I embrace my role as both healer and healed.
“We let our own natural capacity of healing do the work.” ― Thích Nhất Hạnh

Om Hreem – Day 13

This mantra opens our awareness to the eternal present that exists in every moment. It reveals the timeless quality of consciousness within every experience.

Day 13 – The Present Moment Is Your Magnet and Your Compass

Mind and body only live in the present. And in today’s meditation, we discover that the present moment holds tremendous organizing power in life, like a magnetic force. The power of our ever-present awareness automatically instills a sense of calm and happiness.

We heal this moment in time by centering ourselves and finding the place of peace, joy, and pure being. You can apply self-awareness and quickly learn when you are present and when you aren’t.

This allows you to restore yourself to “the now” any time you want.

Our centering thought for today is:

I am drawn into the present moment with ease and joy.
“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
― Thích Nhất Hạnh

Moksha Hum – Day 14

This mantra affirms that our true self is always in a state of perfect freedom. Pure awareness is free of the limitations of the ever-changing mind and body.

Day 14 – Many Breakthroughs, One Victory

You make a breakthrough every time you break out of a habitual response. Habit may veil our awareness, but awareness has the real power. At any given moment, if you notice how you really feel and what you really want, old habits begin to dissolve. People can break as many habits as they want by giving themselves freedom of choice.

Celebrate every breakthrough the minute it occurs, but know that in reality there is only one victory: the victory of awareness.

Our centering thought for today is:

I celebrate every breakthrough I make on the way to being free.
“Breakthrough is guaranteed, if there is enough light.” ― Sunday Adelaja

Om Durgayay Namah – Day 15

This mantra develops a sense of trust and ease with the flow of your life. Durga is the divine energy of nurturing and protection. It is the motherly, nourishing force of life. Namah means “I open my individuality to its true universality.” This mantra helps you feel secure and safe, allowing your constriction and resistance to melt away.

Day 15 – Transformation Is About Your Personal Story

We are all living a personal story, and every story has ups and downs, low points and high points.

But what’s important is the theme that structures and guides our story.

When your story has positive, life-supporting themes, you have found the key to transformation.

Changing your theme is more effective than trying to fix yourself one issue at a time. The most positive themes include lightness, worthiness, self-acceptance, evolution, and love.

Your theme should be aimed at making you feel good every day. It should open new possibilities. It should give you optimism that you are being renewed.

Our centering thought for today is:

My story is about nurturing my life in every way.
“You write your life story by the choices you make.” ― Helen Mirren

Ravaye Hum – Day 16

Ravi means “the radiance of the supreme spiritual light.” It is the radiance of the spiritual sun.

This mantra activates the radiance of our spiritual light, expressing our true light.

Day 16 – Your Perception Holds the Key

Today’s meditation is about the power of our perceptions. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but so are love, self-esteem, truth, happiness, and optimism.

When your perceptions shift, your story shifts. You have this power to transform and have always had it. At any given moment, when you apply a negative tag to yourself, you are missing the opportunity to shift your perceptions. Instead, apply a positive tag and that will help change the value of your perception.

Our centering thought for today is:

I see myself as a being of light.
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” ― W.B. Yeats

Samprati Hum – Day 17

This mantra means, “My pure consciousness is fully awake in the ever-present here and now.” It helps awaken our Being as a knowing presence of light.

Day 17 – Winning the Mind Game

The mind game consists of the tricks your mind plays on you, making you see reality according to old memories, fears, wounds, prejudices, outworn beliefs, second-hand opinions, and early conditioning. When you are aware your mind is filtering your reality based on the past, you can change it with that awareness. In fact, awareness is the change.

Our meditation today brings us into present awareness.

Our centering thought for today is:

I accept where I am, here and now.
“Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.” ― Lao Tzu

Vratam Ahum – Day 18

This mantra means, “I am the consciousness that knows itself on its own unlimited terms, without labels or conditions.”

Day 18 – Taking Back Your Power

Every day, our lives are shaped by forces we may not even realize are part of us.

Some of the most prevalent themes that get reinforced in society are: winner and loser, lovable and unlovable, victim and perpetrator, beautiful and ugly, powerful and powerless. When you put yourself in one of these mental boxes, you lose the power to shape your own story.

Today’s meditation is about taking back the power to create your own life story, and to speak and act according to your own truth.

Our centering thought for today is:

I define myself by choosing who I want to be.
“How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.”
― Coco Chanel

Aham Prema – Day 19

This mantra reveals your true nature as pure love. Prema means “love,” the flowing energy that connects us all. This mantra helps us express love in every word and action. When we see the world and others with the eyes of love, our hearts are filled with gratitude and grace.

Day 19 – Living Life with Love

In today’s meditation, we learn about the transformative power of love.

Love is the essence of the true self. If you can act from a space of love, you bypass the judgments and burdens of the ego. So expressing compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and a sense of purpose comes easily.

Love expresses itself with tenderness, but it also provides great inner strength.

Our centering thought for today is:

I find myself in a world created by love.
“This world is in deep trouble, but it can be swiftly healed by the balm of love.” ― Rumi

Om Prani Dhana – Day 20

This mantra helps us accept and appreciate life in its wholeness, just as it is, and without judgment or preconceptions.

Day 20 – Living without Burdens

In today’s meditation, we explore how life feels when the old burdens have lifted. When our mind, body, and spirit become lighter, our life becomes a field of new possibilities.

As we are freed from the restraints of old habits and self-criticisms, we may feel a lightness of mood, confidence, and joyfulness. With an expansive spirit we feel unlimited, peaceful, and creative.

Our centering thought for today is:

I embrace my life with ease and joy.
“We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds… Claim and consciously use your power.” ― Louise L. Hay

Jyoti Jyotova – Day 21

This mantra encourages the transformative light of our consciousness to spread throughout the universe.

Day 21 – Bringing Light into the World

Today’s meditation teaches us that as life becomes lighter, you open a channel for the light to enter you. This is the light of awareness, freedom, truth, and love. The greatest influence you can possibly have is to radiate your own being from the level of the true self. It’s not out of duty that we let our light shine, but because it’s our joy to bring light into the world.

Our centering thought for today is:

I offer my light to everyone.
“Let your presence light new light in the hearts of others.” ― Mother Teresa

Lila Hum – Day 22

This mantra celebrates the playfulness, freedom, and joy inherent in life. True wisdom is always lighthearted and playful.

Day 22 – One Thing to Celebrate Every Day

As life becomes richer and more fulfilling, our entire perspective shifts. We see that life itself, the simple fact of being here, is cause for celebration. We celebrate that the true self brings constant love and support. We recognize the spiritual core of every human being is freedom, love, and joy. In a world weighed down by many burdens, this is the most uplifting truth we can follow.

Our centering thought for today is:

Every day I accept the incredible gift of being here.
“Our freedom lies in remaining open continuously, not only to life’s changes but also to the divine light within us and others.” ― Peter Santos

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