Once Venus moves back into Pisces on April 3, this is where Venus will be going backwards for you.


So the planet of love is retrograding in your 12th House which is the deepest and darkest part of your psyche. Having Venus going backwards here is all about you and the things you’re afraid of – consciously or subconsciously – re love and money. If you find that fears around either of these two subjects are indeed coming up for you now, deal with them slowly, calmly and confidently. You are being given extra time to think about how fear doesn’t help anything! For others, you’re once again being asked to help someone out with no rewards in sight. Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is going backwards in your 11th House of Friends and Wishes. This is a good thing if you’re trying to work things out with a friend. Venus is about love and in your 11th House, she’s very well placed to help you get back on a friendly basis with someone you’ve fallen out with. On the other hand, she can also be a prod from the Universe which reminds you to weigh up what you are and aren’t getting out of your friendships – if you feel you’re getting a raw deal, this is the time to decide what to do. Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is going backwards in your 10th House of Career. This is essentially a very good and helpful thing, even though it might not feel 100% like that at the time. For a start, it’s all about you having a chance to have another think about how well you have the Work/Life balance thing under control. If you know your working life is taking up too much of your life, then it’s time to redress that. No one ever lay on their death bed and said “I wish I’d spent more time at the office!” On the other, if you’re owed money from a work contact, that could actually come any time soon. Click here
to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is going backwards in your 9th House of travel, study and self-improvement. If you’re about to go away somewhere that’s going to take you back to someone or somewhere you once loved, you’re totally on the right cosmic vibe. If you’re weighing up a travel or study plan and wondering how much of yourself you want to give or how much you want to spend, then keep wondering – the answers should have come by the end of this cycle. And if you’re reconsidering your whole life and getting your priorities straight, then lucky you! Clarity will arrive soon! Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is going backwards in your 8th House of Money which is a good thing – even if it doesn’t feel like it yet. On the one hand, you’re being ask to have another think about your finances and where you’re going right and wrong with them. If money is slow in coming right now, don’t panic. Use this period to work on your thoughts about cash – the more you feel like you’re going to be rich, the more likely you are to be rich! Of course, that doesn’t mean by magic! It means your hard work is more likely to be rewarded! Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


You have a second chance at love coming your way as the planet of love, Venus, retrogrades in your 7th House this year. If you’re still hold a torch for an old flame, this could be the time for you to refind each other. If there’s no such thing going on in your life, you are still likely to feel this transit. All your personal relationships are getting a second chance and if you’re attached happily or even not-so happily, this Venus double dip could be just what the celestial doctor ordered to sweeten things up a bit. Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is retrograding in your 6th House of Daily Work Routines and Health. This is good news for you if you’ve been trying to get on track with your diet and exercise routines, especially if one of the reasons you need to do this is something simply and superficial like you just want to look better! We are all allowed a little vanity! So use this cycle now if you’ve fallen off the bandwagon and haven’t been keeping up with your regimes. Venus here also suggests you can do your health some good with some self-pampering. Massage or facial, anyone? Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is retrograding in your 5th House of Fun. This is a pretty good sign from the heavens that you’ve been working too hard or taking life too seriously and you need to do something about that! This part of your chart is all about romance, creativity and kids and Venus’ extended stay in this part of your chart suggests that you need a bit of time to invest a bit more love and energy into one or even all three of these parts of your life. Take a tip from the cosmos and do just that. Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is going backwards in your 4th House of Home and All Things Domestic. This suggests on a very mundane level that now is a marvellous time to do some spring cleaning at the very least, or perhaps some redecorating or even home-renovating! Venus in this part of your chart is all about beauty in your home environment and the reverse cycle is giving you extra time to have a think about how you want to do things. It’s also a very good time to reconnect with family members, especially but not only if there’s been a falling out. Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


As Venus retrogrades through your 3rd House of the Mind, you could find that you’re mind is being drawn back inexorably to people and places you’ve loved in the past. If you start to think fondly of someone you no longer see enough of, this is a good time to get back in touch. For some, it’s going to be all about finding the wherewithal to say that thing you know you should have said earlier – having the heart to heart that’s been put off by delays and circumstance. Think and then speak. Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


Venus is going backwards in your Second House which is all about cash, property and possessions. If you’re a little stretched financially, this period is all about you weighing up what is and isn’t worth it to you and what you want to do where your money is concerned. For others, it’s about working out what you do and don’t want to spend on something that you own (or are thinking about buying). For others still, this cycle bring a very welcome thing – money you’re owed which has been a while coming! Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.


The planet of love and abundance, Venus, is going backwards in your sign which is a mixed blessing! On the one hand it does suggest you now have some things to really weigh up and consider in your life related to love and money. If there’s something you’re doing just for the money, this is the time when you might decide that you don’t want to live life like that anymore. For others, this is a time when a lost love can come back into view for further consideration. Click here to sign up for my free 3-part Venus retrograde video course.

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