WEEKLY STARS May 29 2015

If it’s your birthday

This is a year of learning for you. There are lots of lessons coming your way – could be you’re doing some academic study or perhaps they are life lessons. Whatever the case, you will make your life easier when you approach life with a mature attitude. This is not the year to slack off. Also don’t kid yourself re love or cash.

Your challenge this week, should you choose to accept it, is to stay mentally positive. You have the Sun and Saturn clashing across your Mind Zone. This could see you feel a tad depressed. Or you could feel like there are too many rules and regulations in your way. Or you could decide that you’re going to take these energies and turn them into mental discipline to build your achievements on. Saturn loves discipline. Don’t get down in the dumps, get organised. Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

There could be some confusion around cash for you this week. If you’re not sure that you have what it takes, then the Universe will back you up on that. Ie: if you think you’re not that crash hot, the Universe will make sure your pay is not that crash hot either. On the other hand, if you think you’re awesome and you deserve to be rewarded commensurate with your awesomeness, your financials are likely to pan out quite differently. Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

You are one of the signs that has ‘the power’ this week. So what are you going to do with it? Are you going to use it wisely? One thing which is standing out in your chart right now is that it would be a very good week for you to barter or talk your way to a better financial situation. Conversations about any slightly off-limits subjects, including how best to transform your sex life, will not be wasted breath either. Work up towards the New Moon in your sign with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

If you want to improve one relationship, then this is a week to make more of an effort. The communications planet Mercury is connecting harmoniously to passionate Pluto in your Relationships Zone. This opens the way for far more powerful communications between you and anyone you have any kind of friendship, relationship or partnership with, personal or professional. Speaking of you professional life, at work, tedious systematic routine is actually still your best friend. You’re actually inching your way towards success. Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

Use this week to get clear on what you’re dreaming or what you really want. There could be issues coming up which make you wonder if you will ever achieve your goals. All the better for you to work through these doubts and fears and be more likely to actually manifest your dreams. Next week brings the New Moon in your Wishing Zone so now is the time to work out what you really want (and who your real friends are). Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

There is a fair bit of confusion in the skies this week and you could be one of the signs to feel it the most. The Sun in your Career Zone is clashing with sometimes confusing, sometimes downright deceptive Neptune in your Love Zone. In other words things could be a bit messy at home or at work. The most important thing to do is stay on your mettle. Don’t buy into something if it smells fishy. Logic loses this week. Work up towards the New Moon in your Work Zone with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

Your guiding planet Venus is clashing with mysterious and weird Neptune this week so it could be a slightly strange seven days ahead for you. Especially if you’re trying to work something out connected to someone or something overseas, to do with study or the internet. You’re actually one of the signs who would really benefit from having a spiritual practise right now, be that praying to meditating or listening to whale music. Seriously. It will make your life a lot easier. Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.


There could be some money issues this week. Are you sure these are not problems which can solved but being a tad more disciplined and grown up about your finances (whatever age you are)? You’re being asked to restructure the way you handle your cash flow. Re-jig the financial sets-ups in your life. It’s one of the best chances you will have to do this in over a decade. If there are real dramas, look for solutions instead of feeling the fear. Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

There is a pressure in the air this week as the Sun opposes Saturn in your sign. However every astro-combo has a silver lining and this one is all about you learning to do what you say you are going to do. You will be amazed at how much more smoothly your life will flow if you take this on board. Your life will start to run more like clockwork, in a good way. You just can’t avoid these lessons. Work up towards the New Moon in your Love Zone this weekend coming, with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

Good news for Capricorns who have been taking life too seriously. This week sees a little levity sneaking into the proceedings, though of course, as ever, it’s up to you to take advantage of the energies. That would look like, for example, you taking some time out to do something you love, alone or with people you love. Give yourself time off for good behaviour. It’s also a very good week to talk about any issues you have re romance, creativity or kids. Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

If your friends are not really there for you as much as you would like them to be, think about what messages they are giving you. As hard as some of them might be to listen to, with Saturn in your Friends Zone, chances are they are things you need to hear. All your most important lessons are coming to you from the people in your social networks. The longer you refuse to listen, the potentially more painful this cycle will be. Work up towards the New Moon with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

Work pressures may be getting you down but guess what? That’s not going to change any time soon. In fact, you need to understand that right now work is honing you. Yes you are like the proverbial chunk of carbon being transformed into a diamond by all the pressure. And if you don’t work, chances are the pressures in your life are coming from somewhere else, and also helping to make you an even stronger version of yourself. You can do it. Work up towards the New Moon in your Personal Life Zone with your New Moon Info Sheet here.

c. Yasmin Boland, 2016

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