What if you could release karma and move on?

You absolutely can. You can let go and move on from anyone or anything.

Once a month, the Moon moves to fullness in our skies. That is happening TOMORROW!

SYDNEY: August 18, 7.26pm
LONDON: August 18, 10.26am
MONTREAL/NEW YORK: August 18, 5.26am
AUCKLAND: August 18, 9.26pm
PARIS: August 18, 11.26am

The Moon is the so-called “Queen of Emotions” and as she swells to fullness each month, our feelings come up to the surface to be dealt with.

That’s why people are said to go “loony” at the time of the Full Moon. Get it? So many emotions and so few tools to deal with them!

Now I would like to offer YOU a tool – the upgraded, 100% free Full Moon Forgiveness + Gratitude Kit

TONIGHT is the ideal time to listen to it!

It includes…

>>> The Full Moon Forgiveness Formula – inspired by the work and published in my book Moonology with the kind permission of Catherine Ponder. These versions of the world famous Forgiveness Formula come with music and binaural beats.

>>> A Full Moon Meditation recording – designed to be listened to as you fall asleep. Ear buds in, breathing gently, in the nights leading up to the Full Moon (though lots of people report that they listen to it all month as it helps them

>>> A bonus How To Forgive Someone PDF with information from my book Moonology. If you never forgive and move on, you will forever be carrying around emotional baggage. Releasing rancour, resentment and upset once a month really is a minimum that we should do.

Doing this at the time of the Full Moon (which is now!) is highly recommended because at Full Moon, emotions swell and come to the surface, as you know. When better to deal with our upsets than when they’re asking to be dealt with.

>>> Click now to access the upgraded, 100% free Full Moon Forgiveness + Gratitude Kit

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