Many people have asked me what I think of this week’s Super Moon. Fact is, the Super Moon is an astronomical not an astrological event.

It takes place when the Full Moon is as close it it’s going to come to the Earth for some time aka perigee. The Super Moon this week will be 14% closer and 30% brighter than usual.

Even though the Super Moon doesn’t have astrological meaning, it being so very ‘in our faces’, so to speak, does have symbolic meaning; it means it’s triply the time to do a Full Moon forgiveness ceremony + gratitude at some point this week.

These monthly ceremonies are vital for clearing our selves out energetically (especially if you don’t have a daily meditation practice yet).

Fyi here are the Full Moon times:

Full Moon at 23 degrees in Taurus
SYDNEY: November 14, 11.51pm
LONDON: November 14, 1.52pm
MONTREAL/NEW YORK: November 14, 8.52am
AUCKLAND: November 15, 2.52am
PARIS: November 14, 2.52pm


As close to the Full Moon as possible, sit quietly for 10 minutes or so and mentally forgive anyone against whom you hold any kind of grudge or resentment. If there’s anyone who’s getting on your nerves or really upsetting you, ask them to forgive you for your bad feelings and send them love. Then do the following:

1. Take some deep, cleansing breaths. Release any stress, worries or cares as you breathe.

2. Now think about a habit, a thought pattern, or an idea or an upset that you want to release. It can be more than one. Write it down on a sheet of paper – write as much as you need to, to ‘express’ it.

3. Next, think of anyone who has upset you. You can go right back to your childhood, to anyone who, seemingly, did you wrong and whom you haven’t yet forgiven. List their name(s) on the same sheet of paper, and also write down what it was they did. Write as much as you need to. You have now created a forgiveness list.

4. Close your eyes and visualize each person in turn. See them inside a pink bubble in your mind’s eye (pink is one of the colours of love). See them smiling at you. Create a good feeling between the two of you. Say silently or out loud: ‘I forgive you.’, and then let them float off in their bubble.

5. Now recite the following Full Moon Forgiveness and Karma Release Formula: ‘Under the glorious Full Moon, I forgive everything, everyone, every experience, every memory of the past or present that needs forgiveness. I forgive positively everyone. I also forgive myself of past mistakes. The Universe is love, and I am forgiven and governed by love alone. Love is now adjusting my life.

Realizing this, I abide in peace.’

You may wish to add: ‘I bring love and healing to all my thoughts, beliefs and relationships. I learn my lessons and move on. I call on my soul fragments to be cleansed by the Full Moon and I call on them to rejoin me. I send love to myself and everyone I know, and everyone who knows me, in all directions of time. Under this glorious Full Moon, I am healed. My life is healed. And so it is. So be it.”

6. Stand over a sink, or anywhere else where you’ll not set fire to the house, and burn your forgiveness list. This ritual releases the energies into the ether for transmutation into love.

Then be sure to spend a good five minutes with your hand on your heart, thinking about someone or something you are truly grateful for. Job done. This is a month ritual which, if you do it with passion, will clear you out energetically so you can better manifest your dreams.

PS FYI this Full Moon ceremony comes from my (best-selling!) Hay House book MOONOLOGY. Check it out!

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