Year Ahead Scorpio

What’s in store for you for 2017


A lot of this year is about you learning to value yourself and believe in yourself. Hopefully you are already doing well with this? You have had Saturn, the serious planet, in your Self-Esteem Zone for a while now. If you are still struggling with your self-worth, keep working on it this year. The weird thing is that the more you value yourself, the more others will too. That can have a very positive effect in your life. For one thing, when you value yourself, other people will treat you better. They will also pay you more! There is a strange but true correlation between your self-worth and your actual worth!

Speaking of cash, you expect some important financial lessons this year, so make sure you’re paying attention. If you know you need to get serious about your bank account, talk to an expert, be it your personal banker or someone you know personally who understand the importance of staying on top of things financially. The efforts you make now to get your financial life stable will stand you in good stead for the coming 15 year or so! If you’ve been scared by money, not wanting to think about it, avoiding opening bills and so on, this is the year for you to stare that money worry down and make it go away.

It’s also a great year to learn about financial planning. Just do it. You will be so happy you did!


Meanwhile, if you haven’t done so yet, you really need to read Your Word Is Your Wand written by a metaphysician from last century called Florence Scovel Shinn. I’ll warn you in advance that it is a bit on the religious side but if you can get the general idea of what she has to say in this really slim but mind-blowing volume, it could prove life-changing. Not least because you have the power planet Pluto in your Communications Zone. That’s basically like having a magical way of expressing yourself. Your words can come true so choose them wisely! If you start saying things like “I know I’m going to mess this up…” well, you are uber likely to mess it up. Get it? So speak and think confidently and think of your words as creating your life, because they are!


The biggest and best news for Scorpios in 2017 has to be the arrival of lucky planet Jupiter in your sign. This won’t happen until October but it’s definitely something to look forward to. Jupiter is the planet of good times and plenty, so to have him in your sign is wonderful. The one thing to be aware of with Jupiter is that he can make you a tad complacent. He can give you the idea that everything is going to work out fine – truth is, it probably will work out fine when Jupiter is around! However don’t fall into the trap of not making an effort, come October. Jupiter will put luck on your side but you do still need to try. Jupiter is the planet associated with soaring success so if you are aiming high, then by October you will have fantastic planetary support. It’s also the planet of travel – trips away are definitely more likely once Jupiter is in your sign. Plus jolly Jupiter’s presence in your sign will mean you come across as more happy-go-lucky than usual which will make you even more attractive to people.


The Pisces New Moon eclipse in February is very exciting for you romantically-speaking because it takes place in your Flirtation Zone. Actually you already have some pretty good romance vibes in your Flirtation Zone as you have Neptune in there and Neptune is the planet of soulmates. In other words, if you find yourself having a lot of fun with someone you’re also highly attracted to, it could really go somewhere, now more than ever. If you’re involved with someone romantically but it’s been taking longer than you would like to get more serious, the New Moon eclipse in February could super-charge it. If you’re still pining over your ex, April is one of the months when a reconciliation is a bit more likely thanks to Mercury reversing in your Love Zone. Mid-year is also good for you and love as caring Venus moves through your Relationships Zone. And November also augurs well!