First Quarter Moon into Moonchild

After the carry-on of the past few days, the world breathes a sigh of relief as the Moon moves into home-loving Cancer.

This is a day to retreat to the bosom of your family, or at least to be at home. The vibe mellows and suddenly, domesticity beckons. It’s a day to feather your nest. Sort out your home if it’s in a bit of a mess. Clear up, clean up and do the washing. Have friends or family over to enjoy a good meal. (Moonchild loves food!)

If you find yourself giving in to the slightly insecure Moonchild vibe, have a word with yourself.

A Moonchild Moon Day is a wonderful time to work on your doubts and fears. Don’t scuttle away under a rock. Work out what’s worrying you. This is also a good day to show someone your soft underbelly. Don’t be too hard-headed.

◗ Good for… Baking, staying in, and getting cosy. Spending time with loved ones.Coming up with a dynamic plan: the Moonchild energy is also very entrepreneurial.

◗Not so good for…Being detached, aloof and unemotional.

◗ Do… Spend time with kids you adore; be hospitable; take time out.

◗ Don’t… Drag yourself to any place you don’t feel like going, unless you totally have to.

– From my best-selling book Moonology. It’s been in the astrology best-sellers Top 5 for more than two years!

The Moon guided me out of the darkest time of my life

I started to work with the Moon during the darkest period of my life, when I was alone and broke. Not that much later I found myself making wishes which manifested under the Eiffel Tower, in Paris. The Moon led me and I followed. If you’re ready to start to follow the Moon too, start with our (free) Moon Lite Club There are 8 resources in there (with more to come) which will set you off on your journey. Remember the Moon is FREE and accessible to everyone on the planet. No wonder “they” didn’t want us wishing on Her!

Moonchild Moon Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I love my family and my family love me.’

2. ‘I am safe and all is well’ – Louise Hay’s famous affirmation works well here.

3. ‘I love my home!’ (Remember, affirmations manifest. Feel the feeling of loving your home so you move towards it – even if you don’t totally love your present home.)

Essential Oil to use: Patchouli

Mantra: Om. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Third Eye chakra, aka Ajna

Angel: Gabriel, the family archangel

Goddess: Diana, Goddess of witches

Cosmic Ray: The 4thray which is green

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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