Balsamic Moon into Moonchild: After the carry-on of the past few days, the world breathes a sigh of relief as the Moon moves into home-loving Cancer. This is a day to retreat to the bosom of your family, or at least to be at home. The vibe mellows and suddenly, domesticity beckons. It’s a day to feather your nest. Sort out your home if it’s in a bit of a mess. Clear up, clean up and do the washing. Have friends or family over to enjoy a good meal. (Cancer loves food!) If you find yourself giving in to the slightly insecure Cancer vibe, have a word with yourself. A Cancer Moon Day is a wonderful time to work on your doubts and fears. Don’t scuttle away under a rock. Work out what’s worrying you. This is also a good day to show someone your soft underbelly. Don’t be too hard-headed.VERY SPECIAL OFFER The New Moon eclipse is in 3 days time, so we have a super special offer >>> sign up today for the New and Full Moon Info Sheets with 20%-30% off here and get your New Moon Info sheet straight away.

From my book Moonology

Please note these Daily Moon Message are valid for 24 hours, wherever you are in the world!

Daily Stars

The daily horoscopes are here! For those of you in Australia having issues with the upload times, we are working on a great solution which I think you will like!

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Cancer Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I love my family and my family love me.’

2. ‘I am safe and all is well’ – Louise Hay’s famous affirmation works well here.

3. ‘I love my home!’ (Remember, affirmations manifest. Feel the feeling of loving your home so you move towards it – even if you don’t totally love your present home.)

Essential Oil to use: Patchouli

Mantra: Om. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Third Eye chakra, aka Ajna

Angel: Gabriel, the family archangel

Goddess: Diana, Goddess of witches

Cosmic Ray: The 4thray which is green

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Mercury is going backwards – can you feel it?

Click here for your free PDF for info about where Mercury is reversing for you.

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