Crescent Moon into Scorpio: Keep thinking about what you want. Take a moment to go back to the wish lists you made at the time of the New Moon (more about this in Part II). Read them out loud. Think about them. Visualize them. Are they starting to feel real? If not, then read them again, and visualize them again. Again, feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Making wishes and setting intentions is a powerful beginning. If you really want to transform your life, then you need to stay with the vision.

The eclipse is over but it’s always a good time to sign up for the New and Full Moon info sheets…
Working with the New Moon and the Full Moon will change your life in amazing ways. Other people will think you’re just lucky but you will know the truth! Click here for the New and Full Moon Info Sheets.

Please note these Daily Moon Message are valid for 24 hours, wherever you are in the world!

Daily Stars

The daily horoscopes are here! For those of you in Australia having issues with the upload times, we are working on a great solution which I think you will like!

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Scorpio Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am taken care of materially.’

2. ‘All my financial needs are being met.’

3. ‘My sex life is so wonderfully healthy.’

Essential Oil to use: Myrrh

Mantra: Lam. Chant it out loud or silently!

Chakra: The Sacral chakra, aka Svadhisthana

Angel: Jeremiel, the life reviewer

Goddess: Kali, who liberates us

Heavenly Ray: The 8th ray, which is aquamarine

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

The eclipse is over but it’s always a good time to sign up for the New and Full Moon info sheets…
Working with the New Moon and the Full Moon will change your life in amazing ways. Other people will think you’re just lucky but you will know the truth! Click here for the New and Full Moon Info Sheets.

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