What are you dreaming of?

New Moon phase – Moon in Gemini: Are you dreaming about all the things you are worried about? Or are you dreaming about all the things you would love to create in your life?

You need to get REALLY clear on this. Being a Moon manifestor means you need to be aware of thew Moon and your thoughts!

Right now, we are in the New Moon phase still so it’s still the time to FOCUS ON YOUR DREAMS. We are here to learn how to create our dream lives and that starts with being clear on your intentions.

So just do it.

>>>Grab our free New Moon worksheet here and start the process!

And if you have already done that and you’re ready to go to the next level, check out the special $9/£5 offer we currently have on our New Moon Info Sheets – they’re updated and potentially life-changing and include mantra meditation audios which you can’t get anywhere else right now.

Your Daily Stars are here

They are HERE – click the word HOROSCOPES in the menu!

Tap Into The Moon With The Cosmic Extras

Cosmic Extras

Gemini Cosmic Extras

>>>What are Cosmic Extras?

Top 3 affirmations with the Moon in this sign:

1. ‘I am expressing myself clearly, kindly and fearlessly.’

2. ‘I listen as much as I speak.’

3. ‘My relationship with my sibling/neighbour gets better and better.’

Essential Oil to use: Bergamot

The mantra when the Moon is in this sign: Hum. Chant it out loud or silently

The chakra associated with this sign: The Throat, aka Vishudha,

Angel: Zadkiel, archangel of compassion

The Goddess associated with this sign: Saraswati, Goddess of wisdom

The Cosmic Ray associated with this sign: The 3rd ray which is yellow

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

What do you want to manifest this New Moon?

As we move towards the New Moon, it’s time to get your ducks in a row!

Remember, planet Earth is the school of manifestation, so learn your lessons and start to master the energies.

Make it fun, make it a game and put it to good use! Start the process here with your May 2018 New Moon worksheet here. (It’s free!)

The New Moon worksheet was designed SPECIFICALLY to help you to make the most of the New Moon. You can now fill it out on your computer or print it out if you prefer. One of the most important things to do if you want to start manifesting your dream life is to get really clear on what you want. This is the ideal first step. Your free worksheet is here.

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