Gibbous Moon into Virgo: If you look up at the skies, you will see that the Moon is getting very large indeed!

That’s because we are nearing the end of the Waxing Cycle of the Moon this time around.

In other words, the Full Moon is just around the corner.

So don’t be surprised if you find that you’re starting to feel more and more emotional. That’s what happens at this time of the month.

It’s so important to feel all your feelings and process them. Otherwise they can turn toxic! The Full Moon is actually very “useful” (heck. God/dess surely designed it like this!) for feeling, processing and expressing whatever upsets have happened in the past four week (and beyond).

If you release negativity now, you will become a far more powerful manifestor.


One of the easiest and most powerful way to release any blocks which are hampering your ability to manifest is to work with the Waxing Moon (which we have now) to forgive and move on. That’s easily the most powerful way to let go of upsets and get energetically clear. Click here to download our free Full Moon Forgiveness Kit while it’s still free!

The Full Moon Forgiveness Kit will release negativity so you can edge closer to peace AND become a more powerful manifestorClick here for your free mini-guide.

Virgo Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am more and more organized every day.’

2. ‘I give wonderful service for wonderful pay.’

3. ‘My wellbeing is my priority – I am getting back on track.’

Essential Oil to use: Tea Tree

Mantra: Hum. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Throat chakra, aka Vishudha

Angel: Metatron, the energy clearer

Goddess: Ceres, fertility Goddess

Heavenly Ray: The 6th ray, which is indigo

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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