Year Ahead Leo

What’s in store for you for 2017


There is no doubt that this is a potentially very big year for you thanks to the eclipses taking place in your sign and your opposite sign. In other words, as they say, “never mind the past, here come the eclipses!”

Note that the eclipses will be lighting up your chart in February and August. Eclipses used to be feared back in ye olden days. The skies would grow dark, the dogs would start howling and quite understandably, people would freak out. However these days, we can predict when eclipses are going to take place so no one is taken by surprised. And indeed, most modern astrologers see eclipses as amazing portends of potential change.

Think of it like this. You came to this earth with a job to do. Basically, your soul has some kind of mission. Your life has a purpose. However it’s all too easy for us humans to listen to our ego and not to our soul. We can easily get distracted and side tracked by life (and love!) and before we know it, we have totally wandered off our path. That is usually when life feels really hard. We know we’re not living the way we should. We get entangled in toxic relationships or caught up in draining jobs. We are NOT in the flow!

And then? Along come the eclipses and we get shunted back to where we are meant to be! It really is that simple. Problem is, sometimes our egos are not happy about these unscheduled life changes! What happens at the time of an eclipse can be OH so challenging. And yet they pretty much always work out for the best. (The way to make an eclipse easier is not to hang on to the past).

So now this is a real eclipse year for you. Where in your life do you know you need to let go? Where are you not living the life you should be? The more you continue doggedly in a relationship or situation which doesn’t feel right, the more this year will be difficult. The more you can just say “I surrender to the Divine!” and follow your heart and your feelings, the more amazing this year will be. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it!

Note that the eclipses this year take place in February and August. Don’t cling on to anything or anyone from the past that you secretly already know is no good for you or somehow past it’s Use By date. Release the past and the future will be brighter!


Eclipses are amazing, even if they are a bit daunting! However aiding and abetting the eclipses in your chart this year is a visit from the happy planet Jupiter to your Mind Zone. In other words, you have another really great gift being bestowed on your this year – the power to look on the bright side, to see the best in others and to think positively.

You might wonder how this is a good thing. After all, what can you do with the power of positive thinking on a Saturday night? Will looking on the bright side buy you a holiday or a new wardrobe? Well, actually, yes. Expecting the best is one of the best ways to manifest the best into your life. It’s the Law of Attraction and it governs you whether you realise it or not. So if you think good things are going to happen then guess what? Chances are that good things are going to happen!

So add the power of the 2017 eclipses to your Ability To Think Big on 2017 and you have all you need to really change your life in amazing ways that will impress your friends and even astound you!


The one thing standing in your way is – as always – Saturn. He will be doing what he can to bring you back down to earth and to make sure you’re not having too much fun this year. Work with Saturn by scheduling in downtime, time out for fun and time off for good behaviour. Seriously. Diarise time every day to get in touch with the part of you that know how to enjoy yourself. Spend time with people who help you to see the best in life and who remind you how blessed you are! Think about what you do want and don’t think about what you don’t want! That’s your secret to success in 2017.