More about December … MERCURY IS RETROGRADING!

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So here we go into a new Mercury retrograde cycle. This is one of the best known astrology cycles – as in, plenty of people who have never studied astrology have heard of it.

I know of people who work in the publishing industry who literally dread / honour Mercury rx, as it’s called for short. They sign contracts before. This is especially apt as Mercury rules writing and writers, as well as communications, cars, computers, travel and more.

So what about this Mercury rx? It’s taking place in the sign of Sagittarius (which speaking of writers and publishers, also happens to be the sign of publishers. Are you noticing a theme here?

However more than that, Saturn is the current dwelling place of the planet of lessons and karma Saturn (until December 20).

We are now at the end of this long Saturn cycle and by retrograding here, Mercury, planet of communications, is in some ways drawing attention to our lessons of the past few years.

Think about about a fear you know is holding you back … Which fear have you not worked through.

Whichever fear came to mind, can you work on it again? Working on things again is a very Mercury rx thing to do, and Saturn is all about fear.

More here for you…

To work out where it came from think of it like this:

  • What does having this fear bring to you?
  • Can you see this upset is a set-up you have set up in order for your soul to learn one of its lessons this lifetime?
  • Can you remember where it started?
  • Can you forgive that situation and anyone who was involved?
  • Do all that and you will be making the most of this Mercury rx cycle.

The sign that Mercury rx takes place in also gives you more information about how this cycle will affect you personally.

Click here for info about where Mercury rx will be for you.

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