CRESCENT MOON INTO GEMINI: The New Moon just took place (have you made your New Moon wishes yet? It’s not too late!) and now we have a major meeting between two planetary heavyweights Jupiter and Pluto. This is big news! If you want to turn your life around, this is the time to do it! The New Moon in Aries signals the start of the New Lunar Cycle because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Moreover, Jupiter (lots of) and Pluto (change) signals a major chance for transformation. So be sure you get REALLY CLEAR on what you want! The more you know what you want, the more you think about it and day dream about it and write it down and visualise it, the more likely you are to manifest it. End of!

You can get your free New Moon wishing guide here. Or if you want to know how to New Moon is affecting YOU personally, buy your instant download New Moon Info Sheet + Manifesting Kit here.

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