BALSAMIC MOON IN CANCER: There’s a New Moon tomorrow!
New Moon at 1 Leo

SYDNEY: July 23, 7.45pm
NEW YORK: July 23, 5.45am
LONDON: July 23, 10.45am

This New Moon tomorrow will be loud and proud. It’s in Leo and conjunct (aka in the same place as) the planet of fire, determination and anger Mars. Expect it to fill us all with extra fire power.

Combined with the Full Moon and Pluto energy earlier in the month, it makes July pretty red-hot.

If you use the New Moon to make wishes and set intentions, this is a lunation not to miss! If your sex life has been down the drain lately, tune into this New Moon and you could find some of the mojo returns (do also take action!)

To use the New Moon for manifesting, all you need to do is sit down with a pen and paper just after the New Moon and write down your top 10 wishes and intentions for the month ahead. Don’t just think about it. Do it!

Harnessing the power of the New Moon can be life-changing.

You can get a free Guide to New Moon wishing here and download your New Moon Info Sheets with info about where the New Moon is affecting your personal chart here.

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