NEW MOON IN LIBRA: If you want more romance in your life, this month’s New Moon looks very promising.

The October New Moon takes place in Libra which is the sign of partnership. Moreover, not long after the New Moon we have a luscious link between romantic Venus and dreamy Neptune.

In other words the stage is set for love. If you want more love in your life, this is the time to get clear in your intentions. What do you want from romance?

One of the most powerful ways to manifest under the New Moon is through visualisation. The following is an excerpt from my book Cosmic Love, available from Hay House on Kindle.


1. Put on the answering machine and sit yourself somewhere comfortable.

2. Close your eyes and allow your body to relax. Clench and then release all your muscles, one by one, from top to toe. Slow down your breathing.

3. Once you’re relaxed, paint a mental picture of what you want. Let’s imagine that you want to get to know some gorgeous new person or you want more romance with someone you’re already involved with or attracted to. (Btw there’s no reason to think this too frivolous – there’s nothing wrong with wanting a bit of romance!). Imagine sitting comfortably somewhere with him/her. Now really imagine your surroundings.

* Where are you?

* What are you wearing?

* What is he/she wearing?

* Is the lighting soft or bright?

* Is it a loud and crowded room or a quiet, grassy park with birds chirping around you?

* What are you talking to him/her about? Imagine the conversation in as much detail as you like.

* If you want to get physical, imagine gently holding his/her hand or even visualise kissing him/her.

* How does it feel? Feel your emotions. Are you feeling happy? Make the scenario as perfect as you can. There’s no limit to what you can ask for.

* Once you have the scenario exactly as you’d like it, say to yourself: ‘Here I am with X, enjoying a kiss and a cuddle/stroll in the park/night on the town.’ Make sure your statement is in the present. Really believe that you are enjoying your fantasy for real. Savour those feelings.

As Dr Wayne Dyer put it “feel the feeling of the wish fulfilled!”

This is what it’s all about, people!

* Now comes a very important step. While still holding the scene in your mind’s eye, say to yourself: ‘This or something even better now manifests, for the good of all or not at all.’

Does it work?

I could tell you that it works. I could give you quotes from friends who say it works. Even the most cynical types (myself included) can’t help shaking their heads in disbelief when they tell you about their successes. But you have no way of knowing if I’m making all this up. It’s not like physics data where outcomes are charted and printed out as proof for all to see. So why not take a chance? Try it for yourself and see the results.

If you would like to work on an even deeper level with the Libra New Moon, check out the Libra New Info Sheets and Manifesting Kits available here. They will tell you all you need to know about how the New Moon is affecting your chart, and also give you instructions on how to make your wishes and set your intentions for the coming month. They will super-charge your manifesting skills!

Here are the New Moon times around the world:

New Moon at 9 degrees in Libra
SYDNEY: October 1, 10.11am
LONDON: October 1, 1.11am
MONTREAL/NEW YORK: September 30, 8.11pm*
AUCKLAND: October 1, 1.11pm
PARIS: October 1, 2.11am

If you want to do some creative visualisation to bring love into your life, the New Moon Info Sheets and Manifesting Kit will really help you!

The New Moon Manifesting Kit

Click here for the New Moon Info Sheets and Manifesting Kit

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