>>> Click here to read the whole of your September 2017 stars, including about where Mercury will end its retrograde cycle for you and all about romance and riches planet Venus!

So after a tumultuous eclipse month when the world at times seemed to have gone totally mad, September promises more peaceful times, in the news and for us all personally.

The September skies are almost 100% positive. So does this mean a 100% positive month? Of course not. There are still people out there who are getting planetary hits on their personal charts. However overall we can expect life to settle down a bit on the coming four weeks.

Notably, Mercury will end its retrograde on September 5. That’s good news for anyone who has been holding off on doing anything under the reverse cycle. It also means people should be back in business, moving forwards, and returning emails and phone calls! There will be fewer misunderstanding and – most importantly, perhaps – you will be in a positive to act based on the info you have gathered about a situation which has been puzzling you. The way forward should become clearer as the month unfolds. (Mercury retrograde is often all about thinking things over so the answer to a question becomes clear…)

As we settle down post the eclipses, consider what the past few weeks have shown you. Where do you know you need to make a change? It could be anything – from changing your diet or health habits to moving house, starting or ending a relationship or anything else.

For a few years there, change was hard and felt very much “do or die!” That cycle is over now and we should find there is less struggling and more ease when it comes to changing our lives as we wish to.

>>> Click here to read the whole of your September 2017 stars, including about where Mercury will end its retrograde cycle for you and all about romance and riches planet Venus!

Let’s go into it more deeply…

One of the very main themes for September is that is the ideal time to make changes. Reason being, the planet of radical changes and 180 degree turnarounds, aka Uranus, is being triggered. If you want to do something differently this month, you are in luck —


There are going to be plenty of changes taking place for everyone. Either these changes are going to come all by themselves, OR if there’s something in your life that you really, really want to change, you still have the Stars on your side. Just remember, we can’t change others, we can only change ourselves.

Click here to read about where URANUS is for your sign and the rest of your September 2017 stars!

These are the standout dates for change, no matter which sign you are:

  1. September 2 – now is the time to push for change as Mars and Uranus connect harmoniously. Mars is the planet of anger and drive and Uranus is the planet of radical changes. When they connect like this, radical change is possible anyway but even more so if you really fight for it.
  2. September 18 – as the planet of love and abundance, Venus, meets change-maker Uranus, in a harmonious link, the stage is totally set for positive developments linked to romance and riches. Agitate for what you want in a loving way and you could shake things up.
  3. September 28 – this is a standout day which gets a whole section to itself later in your September stars – suffice to say here that is a hugely positive day welcome developments and positive progress. Jupiter and Uranus are making a rare alignment and it’s 100% worth tapping into if you want to change something in your life.

    Click here to read the whole of your September 2017 stars, including about where Mercury will end its retrograde cycle for you and all about romance and riches planet Venus!


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