There has been a lot of assimilating and integrating for me to do post-my recent trip to southern India.

Where I went is one of the most remarkable places on earth, and I say that as someone who has been around the world to all sorts of places many times.

It’s hard to put into words the amazing experiences I had there, because they don’t take place in the physical plane, necessarily. They are internal.


If you asked me what I did in India (at the Sri Narayani Amma Peedam) I would say “well, I went to a lot of pujas, I did the Star Walk at the Golden Temple, I went to more pujas, I talked to some of the other foreigners there and we did puja at Amma’s house, and that was more or less it…”

But what happened on the inside of me was untellable. I can’t put it into words!

>>> The first thing I wanted to share which I CAN put into words, though, was ABOUT THE ENERGETIC WELLNESS GROUP which I started on Facebook recently.

It came up for me in India. I will try and keep the story short as it might be most amazing to ME not you!

Basically, as you may know, I have been struggling with my weight which has ballooned in the past few years, almost as if my fat cells have plans of their own. I may be in denial but to me it seems like the weight I gain is not commensurate with the amount of food I eat! Or maybe I am kidding myself.

Anyway, I love my life. I am a happy person and I love and feel loved. I am not complaining. However the weight is my biggest issue. So I started to ask Narayani Amma (the teacher at the temple where I have just been) IN MY HEAD for guidance on how to lose weight. Narayani Amma is one of my spiritual teachers – very powerful and meaningful to me.

And IN MY HEAD I would get back an answer from Amma saying “if you want to help yourself, help others”. I think it even says this in the pinned post at the top of the Energetic Wellness Club Facebook page.

Then two or three times, I had actual emails, sometimes to do with Amma (people sending news from Amma’s ashram in India, for example) sometimes random philosophical missives, with the overall message “if you want help yourself, help others…”

So as you may know, this is why I eventually started the Energetic Wellness group!

Anyway, all that took place IN MY HEAD. It was me silently asking Amma and ‘getting’ these responses which I had no way of knowing if it was real or imagined flights of fancy.

So finally in India, I was able to talk to Amma face to face for a few minutes, alone. And among other things, I said to Amma “can you please give me the courage and strength to lose weight!”

Amma laughed. Amma has known me for 11 years and has seen me get bigger and probably wondered when I was going to ask for help with it. And what was Amma’s response to me – bearing in mind, this time it was FACE TO FACE actual talking, not some message I fancied I was getting in my head somehow telepathically.

Amma said “if you want to help yourself, then you need to help others” I KID YOU NOT!!!!!

Amma also referred me to the Goddess Saraswati for more knowledge. And Amma gave me a pendant with a Sri Yantra on it – which is the picture at the top of this page – it’s a sacred geometric shape.

>>> So. How can I help you? 🙂

My first bit of advice would be this; we need to get our guts in order. As such, Prime Tea is the first step. This is the recipe. I have no affiliation with this Ayurvedic doctor though in a very strange twist I can go into another day (I may refer to it in the pinned post, too) she also happens to go and see Narayani Amma!

To join the Energetic Wellness Club (free of charge, of course), just click here

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