This is an excerpt from your free monthly stars on here for the full-length version.


How to make the most of the month…

Did you start 2018 planning to make some big changes in your life? For example, regarding your job, your situation at home, re family or even to do with your health and exercise routines and/or your weight, for example?

If so, then April is the month you have been waiting for. It’s a month when change is going to be much easier!

In particular, this applies triple, if you started the year off well, going in your desired direction, but have somehow drifted off track.

The reason is that 2018 is characterised by a series of rolling positive planetary alignments between the planet of plenty, Jupiter, and the planet of transformation, Pluto.

Jupiter/Pluto will affect everyone in different ways, no matter which sign you are.

Your monthly stars will tell you more, but know this; if you want to change your life, the Universe triple-y supports you in April.

So forget about being an April Fool and make a declaration, silently or out loud, (or write it down for even more power) along the lines of:

“I, [fill in your name] do solemnly pledge to myself and the Universe, that as of April 2018, I am committing to [fill in the blank with the change your want to make].”

You will be surprised at what a powerful thing is it, to really commit to yourself about something, hand on heart. (Note that re-committing to one of the intentions you set for yourself at the start of the year will work extra well because the series of Jupiter/Pluto connections actually started back then.)

Also this month, just a couple of days after the Jupiter/Pluto link, Mercury ends his latest retrograde cycle (on April 15 to be exact).

That means between now and the middle of April, there is going to be a lot of “going over old ground”. Again, this feeds into the idea of recommitting to whatever you decided that you want for yourself at the start of 2018. There is a sense of a second chance, re-doing this, and going backwards somehow.

It’s a month to change your life, that’s for sure!



Another stand-out feature of April which will please a lot of people is the end of the current Mercury retrograde cycle.

Personally I don’t usually have too many issues with Mercury retrograde (touch wood!). I see it as a time when I can rethink, review, revise and redo and for me (especially as a writer!) there is a lot of room for those activities in my life!

However there is no doubt that Mercury retrograde can also be tricky and challenging. It can be a time when we look to the past to decide what we want for the future. Or we look to the past simply to see how far as we have come.

Mercury retrogrades about three to four times a year but don’t wish these cycles away! FYI the next three retrogrades this year are:

In astrology, when Mercury ends a retrograde cycle, it’s called Mercury “going direct”. Click  here to go to a link which will tell you what this month’s Mercury’s direct cycle means for you…

More info tomorrow!


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