GIBBOUS MOON INTO TAURUS: Today I had a wonderful experience I would like to share with you as I hope it can help you on your own journey. Some time ago, I lost my temper with someone who was a friend at the time. She had rubbed me up the wrong way a couple of times (and vice versa apparently!) and having tried to pretend everything was OK when it wasn’t, I finally exploded.

NOTE: I am definitely not saying it was her fault. It might not even have been 50/50. I behaved badly, I know that.

It was a huge lesson for me. I have been known to have a short fuse in the past and I finally got that I can’t always speak my mind as I would like to.

The wonderful experience today was that I saw something on Etsy which made me think of her (let’s call her Jane). So very spontaneously, I emailed her. Jane and I have really only had a bare minimum of exchanges since ‘the incident’ which took place six months ago. I have worked hard on forgiving her for whatever she did and I have forgiven myself too. Plus I have learned my lesson, as mentioned.

In any case, I sent the picture of the cute Etsy thing and Jane replied to me saying it was cute. And then we had a proper conversation over messenger.

My point is that with love and forgiveness anything is possible. This is more relevant than ever now as we move towards the last Full Moon of the year. Who can you forgive? What do you need to forgive yourself for?

Do you want to learn astrology? I have a book for that! And you can have it for FREE for a limited time only, as a Hay House PDF download here

If you’re wondering what 2017 holds, may I humbly recommend this 2017 Horoscope eZine which is essentially a digest for all 12 signs – it has tons of info in here and is more than 50 pages long… currently available for pre-order

Taurus Cosmic Extras

>>> What are Cosmic Extras?

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise!’

2. ‘Thank you, Universe – all my needs are provided for!’

3. ‘I’m worth it!’

Essential Oil to use: Ylang ylang

Mantra: Lam. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Root, aka Muladhara

Angel: Chamuel, archangel of love

Goddess: Abundance Goddess Abundantia

Cosmic Ray: The 2nd ray which is blue

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

Grab my new Astrology eBook for FREE here

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