MOON IN CAPRICORN: Venus and Pluto are already in Capricorn and now the Moon and moves in there too.

The Capricorn energy is very serious and rigorous, though Cappies are also said to excel at stand-up comedy. It’s all about timing.

Do use the Capricorn energy to get yourself in order. The end of the year is approaching and more and more of us are going to want to take time out to celebrate with loved ones.

If you like to work with the Angels, the angel of Capricorn is Azrael though I also like to include Archangel Michael in this as well.

If you like to work with Goddesses, Juno is the traditional Capricorn Goddess though I also like to include Hecate.

Just let a candle and talk to the angels and/or Goddesses.

Get your New Moon Info Sheets here…

Our super popular Year Ahead Planner is now ready for 2017 – here

Capricorn Cosmic Extras

>>> What are Cosmic Extras?
Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am going places!’

2. ‘It’s wonderful to be so successful!’

3. ‘I love seeing my plans work out!’

Essential Oil to use: Laurel

Mantra: Ram. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The solar plexus chakra, aka Manipura

Angel: Azrael, angel of transition

Goddess: Juno, Goddess of commitment

Cosmic Ray: A combination of rays 1, 2, and 4, and gold

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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