Welcome to June! The landscape looks good… and PS Mercury is no longer going backwards. I’ve written these Stars twice this month – that’s what you get for submitting written work on the last day of a Mercury retrograde!

However note that Mars, Saturn and Pluto are all still reversing as June dawns.

That means there is still a lot of re-do, do-over, back-to-the-past, restructure, re-envisage, re-transform energy around. The fact that we also get the second of two Sagittarius Full Moons adds weight to the feeling that we are being given a message and we need to get that message before we move on! See your Monthly Stars for more info…

Possibly the biggest news of the month for all of us, though, is that June is a month where massive changes are possible…

Jupiter and Pluto are going to be forming a rare and harmonious angle to each other. This is big new and promises the chance for big changes.

Jupiter is the planet of good luck and “lots of” (Jupiter can even be excessive), while Pluto is the planet of power and passion and profound change.

So when you put them together you get a lucky chance for “lots of” profound positive change.
To tap into this, think about where in your life you want a really big change. What would transform your life? What could you happily kick to the curb and move on from? What would give your life more meaning?

These are questions we all need to be asking ourselves.

On a more personal note, click here for a brief in-a-nutshell summary of the month ahead for you.


The Jupiter/Pluto connection this month is the really big June picture. On a smaller scale, though, we have the Sun spending most of the month in the sign of Gemini. That puts the focus on Gemini for all of us, no matter what our sign. So it’s a very good time to think about how well we are doing with our communications, travel plans, and our interactions with neighbours and our siblings.

The great thing about having the Sun in Gemini at the time of the Jupiter/Pluto connection is that it will be easier to keep the lines of communication open as we aim for the big changes.

Whatever you are planning, be sure to keep talking or writing this month. Keep the ideas flowing throughout June, and see where it leads you. With Mercury retracing his steps now, something which happened recently could be redone or undone. Keep talking.

The Sun shines a sort of celestial spotlight on your chart. It shows you where your focus is likely to be for the coming few weeks.

On a more personal note, click here for info about what the Sun is spotlighting for you.


Meanwhile, if you’re wondering about love and money, loving and abundant Venus is very active again this month, first clashing with disappointing Neptune, tough Saturn and excessive Jupiter before harmonising with Uranus Neptune.

To an astrologer, that line up sounds like:

• Dramas about not being honest
• Dramas related to feeling like there is not enough
• Upsets about going too far…
• Followed by positive changes related to love and money and
• Finally soul mate connections and financial inspirations

On a more personal note, click here to find out where romantic and rich Venus is for you. You will also find all the New and Full Moon info you need as well as details about the end of the Mars retrograde and more!

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