MOON IN CANCER: I was lucky enough to get my hands on a new deck of cards from the wonderful Kyle Gray yesterday (at the time of writing, in late September). In case you haven’t seen them yet, the new deck is called Keepers of the Light and features 45 Ascended Masters, spiritual deities and higher beings – such as Ganesha, The Holy Spirit and White Eagle – all of whom are here to help anyone who calls on them.

So let’s pick a card from them… Say in your head what you’re going to ask: For example, “I am asking about …” or better yet write it down. Here we go! My first proper shuffle of the deck (I did go through all the cards after opening the new box)

Oooo and we got a lovely card – The Shekinah – a symbol of the Divine Feminine, the Twin Flame of the Holy Spirit, with the message “Unleash your spirit! Express your gifts!”

Were you asking about your love life? This Love Astrology 101 book could answer a few of your questions!

Cancer Cosmic Extras

>>> What are Cosmic Extras?

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I love my family and my family love me.’

2. ‘I am safe and all is well’ – Louise Hay’s famous affirmation works well here.

3. ‘I love my home!’ (Remember, affirmations manifest. Feel the feeling of loving your home so you move towards it – even if you don’t totally love your present home.)

Essential Oil to use: Patchouli

Mantra: Om. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Third Eye chakra, aka Ajna

Angel: Gabriel, the family archangel

Goddess: Diana, Goddess of witches

Cosmic Ray: The 4th ray which is green

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology

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