Scorpio (as in the sign, not Scorpios the people – we all have Scorpio in our chart) loves to hold a grudge. The reverse cycle of Venus in Scorpio going on this month is the ideal time to let that grudge go.

“The capacity to forgive is nothing less than the acceptance of a higher principle of divine justice, rather than earthly justice, os the organising elements behind the events of your life.” – Caroline Myss, Defy Gravity

As Caroline Myss says in her book Defy Gravity, forgiveness is not something we can do intellectually. It’s about surrendering.

Can you accept that what happened to you which now needs forgiveness? Or course some things are easier to forive than others.

As Venus, the planet of love, goes backwards in Scorpio this month, think about where you are not forgiving.

“The capacity to forgive is nothing less than the acceptance of a higher principle of divine justice, rather than earthly justice, os the organising elements behind the events of your life.” – Caroline Myss, Defy Gravity

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